Marylin Furumasu
Provide assistance through light Copy Editing and Proofreading.
Rates dependent upon the length of the book and the author's means.
“Marylin has a keen eye for detail, a diverse taste for many kinds of novels, and provides a passionate voice for all that capture her imagination. She’s been a beta reader for me, a proofer, and has generously helped by spreading the word about my new releases.
I love working with her and treasure her friendship.”
—Lisa T. Bergren

Promotional Graphics Services
Three different services
* Graphics to be Used for Promotional Purposes.
* Graphics/Branding to be Used for Headers.
* Social Media Assistance and Management.

"Marylin is such an incredible encouragement! Her great eye, creativeness, and beautiful personality shine through her work. I'm so happy to have her not just on my street team where she works hard to promote my book, but as a wonderful friend."
-Mikal Dawn
MF Literary Works will provide assistance through:
light Copy Editing
Development of visuals to promote an author’s book or books.
Branding and Social Media Assistance.
MF Literary Works accepts books from authors at our discretion, favoring many genres, with the preference of clean reads.
All services and rates will depend on what is required. Connect with MF Literary Works here for pricing.
MF Literary Works in no way:
receives payment from authors or publishers for reviews.
sells ARCs, proofs, or final copies received.
Any ARCs, proofs, or final copies received from authors or publishers will be given credit in reviews.