As the year has gotten more and more crazier, I've been working on this website, and I thought it was time to add a new look to my blogs. Have you ever had a time in your life where you feel like you're walking through a fog? This has been the last few months for me and my family.
When death and grieving, stay-at-home, political stuff, and other overwhelming things hit us it's hard to stay out of the fog.
Now as we are settling in to begin the normal daily things, it's easy to feel like there's something missing. Like we've not done what we should have done or said what we should have said.
However, we have chosen to have - HOPE.
Only God can give us HOPE.
HOPE for a better day.
HOPE for healing.
HOPE for grace.
This doesn't mean we will suddenly have peace and the fog will clear from our heads, but it does give us something to cling onto as we start to pull our heads out of the fog. I have decided this is my verse for this year! Psalm 91:2 "I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
